Sustainability today is the bedrock of growth. Businesses can no longer survive in silos thinking merely of the bottomline but it has to take a 360 degree view in how to achieve the same. At Karini, we have incorporated sustainability measures in our processes. These measures have over time become our growth drivers. This has furthered our belief that our achievements are inextricably linked to our aspirations for judicious and responsible use of resources.
Clean environment is crucial for optimal functioning of all resources. We are the only dealership in Eastern India for the electric vehicle ‘Kona’ which does not emit harmful gases. We have planted 500 saplings in our facilities in Guhawati and Kolkata to combat air pollution. Clean drinking water is one of the most crucial problems faced in Guwahati. This has necessitated the use of water for our operations more thoughtfully.We have installed effluent water treatment plants in all our workshop to ensure only clean water can discharge. We use the recycled water in our operations bringing down wastage of water substantially. In addition, we keep a careful vigilance on water pump management. The adjustable water frequency of the water pump helps us minimize wastage considerably. We have further taken steps in water conservation by adopting best practices for rain water harvesting.
We recognize that people are at the heart of our operations. We deliver for and are driven by people. We are therefore committed towards their development and improvement in their living standards. Our Group conducts skill training programs that are in association with Centre and State Governments. Our ‘Teach Outreach’ program helps teachers from those programs to provide teaching skills to individuals who in turn provide overall training to people for better employability. We encourage employment and upliftment for all regardless of gender. We also organize camps for health check-ups, blood donations and immunization drives.
We believe that conscious use of energy is important for sustainability going forward. We have installed LED lights in our facilities for better energy management. We have proactively adopted the sale of BS6 vehicles and have propagated the benefits of use of such vehicles to the public at large.